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 Official UK Distributor - Esdevium

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Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty
PostSubject: Official UK Distributor - Esdevium   Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty2013-01-08, 09:54

Just received this in my E-Mail (from Fanboy 3)

Quote :
Well, I'm sure a number of you have heard the news by now.

Esdevium Games is now the exclusive distributor of Cardfight!! Vanguard products in the UK.

What does this mean? Well, from January 1st all new Cardfight!! stock can only be ordered through them. They've graciously allowed me to continue selling our remaining distribution stock until that runs out - we still have thousands of pounds worth of BT01: Descent of King of Knights, BT02: Obnslaught of Dragon Souls, EB02: Banquet of Divas and BT07: Rampage of the Beast King available to ship post free, as well as mixed displays of starters.

Lets face it, we all knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Distributors want exclusivity, because they want to know that if they spend marketing money on a product they'll pick up the sales from it (not their competitor). And Esdevium can offer much more market penetration than we ever could.
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Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official UK Distributor - Esdevium   Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty2013-01-08, 11:12

Hum, wonder if it will effect prices from chaos cards and the likes.
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Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official UK Distributor - Esdevium   Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty2013-01-08, 12:52

Sure is monopoly shit in here. I don't like the word "exclusive" distributor because that implies they are fucking everyone else over on purpose and no one else is allowed to sell cards in THEIR country. Official distributor is better. As in, they get a lot of stock from Bushiroad because they have a contract, and they sell that stock to stores cheaply and in bulk, which makes their service supported by the creator and of high quality so more people want to use it.

The difference here is want versus can't. I hope this was just poorly presented on their part, and people are still allowed to sell cards in Europe if they want.

But in either case, it's good they got a distributor at least. IF it drives down the price anyway
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Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official UK Distributor - Esdevium   Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty2013-01-08, 13:00

Well it's exclusive to the U.K.

I don't think Esdevium have the exclusive rights to sell in the rest of Europe considering SARL in France and that other one in Germany who have been stocking Bushiroad products for years.
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Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official UK Distributor - Esdevium   Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty2013-01-08, 13:50

I don't see how that addresses anything I mentioned.
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Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official UK Distributor - Esdevium   Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty2013-01-08, 13:55

Alice wrote:
I don't see how that addresses anything I mentioned.

I mean, I think "people are still allowed to sell cards in Europe" but only Esdevium is allowed to sell in the U.K. (FB3 mentioned that Esdevium were letting Fanboy3 sell off the rest of their current stock before Esdevium takes over as the U.K. Distributor).

Unless I'm missing something.
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Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official UK Distributor - Esdevium   Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty2013-01-08, 16:10

Yes. You're missing that my concern is monopoly.
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Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official UK Distributor - Esdevium   Official UK Distributor - Esdevium Empty

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Official UK Distributor - Esdevium
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